Everything you’ve been looking for in a conference networking app

Powerful, flexible, customisable, in one fell swoop MeetMatch consigns conventional conference networking apps to the past. With exactly what you need to gain a business advantage, here are the benefits that set us apart from the competition.

conference networking app benefits at a glance

Traditional networking app


A lengthy list of who’s attending an event, with limited information. General and non-specific.



A full overview of all participants, sorted by relevance to each individual. Provides high-quality information such as photo, name, function, company, company activity and company size.


You’re asked to fill in many things upfront. Because of the hassle, often people don’t bother, so they don’t get to participate in the networking.


No effort required. We match participants automatically based on big data – much better than can ever be done manually. And because you can still join a meeting (with no typing required) even when the speed networking is in progress, this often leads to 100% participation.


Events often ask participants to answer network questions, which can actually be sales questions in disguise. People can spot the sales talk and avoid answering the questions.


Although MeetMatch supports network questions, this is not our focus. We concentrate on bringing people together according to their rich data profiles to create long-term win-win relationships.


You’re allocated meetings at certain times and places. But events often have 30% no-shows, which makes a rigid timetable almost useless. What’s more, you could be in an interesting conversation with a potential partner and miss your next appointment, disrupting any pre-set schedule.


You know who is attending and who is available. You can meet for as long as you want. Once your meeting is finished, you’re allocated your next match within 30 seconds. As a result, you have 4 times as many meetings than you would with any competitor app.


You’re limited to one possibility only – meeting with the person you previously indicated.


You can configure several meeting formats, even at the event itself. Varying your meeting types means you experience an array of inspiring sessions.
MeetMatch employee - Frederik

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